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Como estudar e trabalhar conteúdos de Inglês?

Nesta videoaula poderás aprender métodos de estudo e trabalho. 
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Preservação do meio ambiente a várias vozes

Neste recurso vais rever o vocabulário sobre o meio ambiente nas várias línguas estrangeiras. Além disso, poderás ainda… (Ler mais)
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Visiting Germany

This video lesson will take you on a trip to Germany. Learn some words that are very similar in English and in German,… (Ler mais)
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Discovering places by train

This video lesson is about travelling by train and discovering Europe on an interrail. 
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Holidays on a cruise

This video lesson is about cruises and spending holidays travelling on one. 
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Let's go camping!

Camping can be a great experience, but it's better if you now where you are going and what you should take with you.… (Ler mais)
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Types of accommodation

When you go on a holiday, where do you stay? Learn about the different types of accommodation and how to build a… (Ler mais)
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Planning a summer holiday

This video lesson is about planning a holiday and you will also consolidate what you have learned about the future… (Ler mais)
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Going on holidays

This video lesson is about holidays, where you can go and what you can do while enjoying them. In the end, study the… (Ler mais)
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Schools around the world

In this video lesson you are going to learn about some of the many different schools around the world, and the use of… (Ler mais)
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Do you know what homeschooling is? This video lesson will help you understand what it really means. In the end, learn… (Ler mais)
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Now and then

In this video lesson you will find the second part of the guided tour to the Communications Museum and learn how… (Ler mais)
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Past and present

Go on a guided tour in the Communications Museum and learn about the history of communication.
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Having fun outdoors

This video lesson is about outdoors activities. On of them is geocaching. Do you know what it is? Watch and learn.
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Food and eating habits around the world

There are many different typical dishes around the world. In this video lesson, you will learn about some of them,… (Ler mais)
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Food tastes and textures

With this video lesson you are going to learn vocabulary related to tastes and textures of food. You will also learn… (Ler mais)
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At the restaurant

With this video lesson you are going to learn how to order food in a restaurant, create a dialogue in a restaurant and… (Ler mais)
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How do I get to...?

With this video lesson you are going to learn how to ask and give directions and correctly use prepositions of movement…
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Portuguese people around the world

This is a special video lesson dedicated to Portuguese people from different cultural areas who live around the world,… (Ler mais)
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Moving around the city

With this video lesson you will learn how to describe a city and its people, and the most important prepositions of… (Ler mais)